
Float finder

The problem of warp and weft floats naturally occurs where different weaves meet each other within a design. The task within this module is to find those floats and bind them correctly.

DesignScope® victor offers 2 modules for this task:

Module 1

After an automated float search, the binding of floats is handled manually or semi-manually. Module 1 is also available as a multi-function module for Scope.

Modul 2

This module is called Float Finder.

It is a software innovation that comprehensively solves the problem of detecting and binding floats in fully automatic mode. Depending on the weaves used, the floats are found and analyzed. According to this analysis the floats are bound exactly at their transition points, which avoids creating new floats.

The binding points themselves - depending on the weaves - can be set to only occur on certain ends or picks. Even float lengths that are smaller than the ones appearing within a regular weave will be found and edited properly. Regular weaves, therefore, will not be modified.