

Editing Facilities

  • Scanning: Twain compliant true color scanning. Ensures a good quality scanning with various controllable parameters such as brightness contrast, Hue balance, etc. This important feature ensures a good starting point for an excellent output.
  • Auto Outline: Extensive Controls provided in the system to automatically generate outline on select areas of an image, with user defined colors / thickness for the outline.
  • Out-line fill tool: This is a strong facility to draw an accurate and symmetrical outline select color parameter.
  • Editing Tools: Drawing tools such as pencil, brushes, etc allow you to create images.

    An extensive array of functional tools such as Clone tool, Pattern fill, Magic wand, magic fill, gradient fill, bezier tool etc and innumerable brush styles are available to either create or edit designs.
  • Selection Tools: Free hand, Geometrical selection, magic wand, and chroma mask facility provided, for selecting and manipulation of forms to be edited, copied, deleted with ease.
  • Dynamic Repeat Tool: This is a unique tool that allows changing of the origin of a selected area of the design.
  • Auto Border Generation: This tool enables the user to easily rotate the motif at 90/180/270 degree and places it in alignment with the existing design at a click of a button.
  • Mass Fill Tool: This tool enables easy editing such as cleaning or filling the selected area, with different colors, with a single color. This is valid for the area/selection with or without border.
  • Unlimited Undo: This facility provides user to undo or revert single or multiple actions while editing, creating a new design, colour reducing and to almost every action done.
  • Repeats: Textiles specific repeat format such as straight brick and cross settings with different drop factors are provided. This function instantly changes the current design information to the desired repeat specified by the user.
  • Minimum Repeat: Effortlessly setting actual design repeats from artwork.

    Artists normally create the design in a repeat form but end up cutting along the edges to set the repeat at one end. Minimum Repeat is an automised function to instantly convert a hand made sketch to a rectangular form for editing and printing.
  • Online Repeat: Online Repeat allows you to edit the design online and see the impact of the changes. The system also permits you to visualize various types of repeats setting and select the one so desired.
  • Color Reduction: Auto and user defined color reduction facility with unique dithering techniques. The artwork in Flat and Stripling can be reduced to required number of colors with ease.

    This is the heart and soul of Design Jacquard, in depth research and extensive testing on design styles has been done. The wonder is that the Algorithms accounts for maintaining unflinching details from the original scanned image to the reduced design.
  • Color Palette Management: RGB, HSV, compliant color manager caters to the users needs. The system is versatile enough to allow the user to define his own color palette according to the seasonal, forecasted and printable shades in his organization.
  • Color Charts: Textronic's Color Specifier is an elaborate gamut of colors printed on paper i.e. all REDS, GREENS, BLUE, etc. along with the HSV values ensures accuracy in specifying colors in the art work.
  • Auto Color Ways: The feature facilitates to observe the colorways across the spectrum. This automatically generates infinite color ways with the ease to individually handle the Color, Tint and Tones of the image. These can be printed on paper for presentation and merchandising. This marvelous feature eliminates the costly trial and error method in colorways evaluation.
  • Color Swapping: In this feature user can play with the existing image colors. This feature is also helpful for exporters where the same colors are used for different strike off's.
  • Corner Setting: This feature reduces the tedious way to set corner for the design with single click.
  • Weave Creation: Development of weaves for different kind of fabrics - single, Double Wadded, Treble etc.
  • Weave Mapping: Mapping facility provided for insertion of weaves in pre-selected areas by way of assigning weave to areas demarcated by different colors.
  • Fabric Simulation: The System is capable of simulating a true simulation of both the face and back view of the design for all types of fabrics-Single, double, wadded, Treble, Extra Weft using different counts & thickness of yarn and ends & picks/inch setting same can be printed on color printer.
  • Locator: Facility to instantly track areas of design from artwork on to the mapped graph paper.
  • CIM facility: Allows direct interface of design system to electronic Jacquards (Staubli, Grosse, Bonas) as well as hard card & paper card punching machine.
  • Out-puts: You can get the design in Graph mode (in Any Size) and also you can send the design to the Electronic m\c through the floppy.

    You can get the fabric simulation in different fabric structures (Silk, cotton wool, terry.) and the 3-D simulation also.
  • Zoom Manager: Advanced dialog box for managing Zoom-in/Zoom-out image. Miniature representation of image of the design is provided for instant navigation to the exact location of the design during viewing or editing.
  • Multi Document: Facility to display multiple designs /colorways of any design simultaneously.
  • Clip Book: This allows you to save the objects to be used discreationally. User can keep on adding new forms for usage in creation of new designs by combining different motifs.
  • Wall Paper: Displays design on entire Screen thus allowing the user to see design in repetitive form. This provides us with a preview of the Artwork and shows whether the design blends harmoniously when printed.
  • Print Preview: A preview of the designs & separations on screen before printing on paper gives a brief idea of the final print out before actually printing it.
  • Printing: Color printing facility allows the user to define various parameters and reproduce the same on the media. Pinking shear effect is the hallmark of this feature. Colors used in the design can be printed along with swatches.