
With Textronics Design Dobby there is complete control over every aspect of the weaving process, while allowing you to work on our unique multi-view system.

Enhanced connectivity and communication, sharing of design assets, merchant centric approach, speedier and geographically far reaching data accessibility, efficient historic data management, focused and versatile data accessibility.

Weaver's delight, a comprehensive tool kit for the technically discrening and a very simple and powerful CAD system for the visualiser or weaving novice. Design Desk handles weaves, yarns, patterns and construction parameters to instantly simulate realistic fabric on screen.

History has seen mankind expressing his art on fabrics using complex weave structures to enliven forms, motifs and nature to create tapestry, carpets, furnishings.

From concept to the finally printed fabric, Design Studio is a one stop CAD solution which equips the designer with an array of tools to successfully accomplish his pre-print requirements.

Systematically channels your effort from concept through artwork creation to ultimate production of carpets.

A versatile and powerful presentation tool for communicating fabric design concepts on the final application viz. garments, furnishings, curtains, etc.

Design Presentation offers a range of tools and simple drag and drop design functionality to create profesional presenations / design story for the sales dept.