

  • Enhanced connectivity and communication.
  • Sharing of design assets.
  • Merchant centric approach.
  • Speedier and geographically far reaching data accessibility.
  • Efficient historic data management.
  • Focused and versatile data accessibility.
  • Enables storage of designs in the data reservoir.
  • Defines parameters of design styles for storage.
  • Ensures that the design categories and sub-categories are maintained.
  • Setting reports generation parameters and options.
  • Image properties are well managed for ensuring the flow of information and retrieval by each user with specific accessibility conditions.
  • Easy accessibility and multi level query.
  • The sales personnel can retrieve customer specific range during a sales visit.
  • Retrieval parameters can be Pastel designs, floral designs, designs with watercolor effects, or certain percentage coverage of a certain color.
  • The production dept can access design related information for producing the fabric and commercial details are barred. Yarn consumption.
  • Marketing dept would have access to the design visuals, and mulit pronged seek parameters to filter required range of designs.
  • Further the design dept can be allowed access to the presentation and 3 D modules for creating better display material.
  • Specific information is let out to ensure streamlined availability of data rather then have excess information which improves efficiency of for the user.
  • In the sense that the commercial dept would get price information and design production data or design issues Also the design can not be altered.
  • Integrated with Textronics CAD / CAM products to network with various functional depts. Of your organization.
  • Providing seamless and efficient operating capabilities.
  • Import capabilities with other Windows based CAD systems.
  • The data from these can be used for 3 D visualization of designs / production data for electronic Jacquard controllers can be used for Production planning dept.
  • Versatility in generating reports.
  • Generation is customizable and accessibility to these reports provided on need basis.
  • The reports allow you to monitor the trends which otherwise is the most neglected activity at the field operators level.
  • You can define the report attributes and periodicity of the same.
  • Most accessed categories of designs this allows you to design your sales pitch during a sales call.
  • Productivity linked reports.