
Smart Color Reduction (For Enhancing Tonal Designs...)

Flawless reduction of 24 bit tonal image to printable number of colors allows transcending artisan's perspective of the unimitable harmony of Nature's combination of colors and forms to artwork for textile design.

Smart Color Reduction of 24bit Images

  • Auto color reduction where you an specify number of colors.
  • Manual color reduction mode allows selection of colors for reduction and flat, stippling, texture or half tone techniques.
  • Statistical analyses of color used in images are displayed making it easier for selecting the ideal set of colors for reduction.
  • Instant preview of the selected color and interactive enhancement of range in chroma for extracting its shades.
  • Online Manipulation of shadows, midtones and highlights in the image.
  • Cleaning functionality for editing in the color extracted mode.
  • Drawing and editing functions permits you to give your signature touches.
  • The information is saved for rasterisation in the Separation printing module.
  • Design Studio handles halftone and basic rasters and allows you to manipulate the angles and dot densities. It also allows creation and usage of custom rasters.